Did you know?
That SKANOL drives about 45,000 km on Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish roads every day?
SKANOL wants to:
- Set goals and measure the quality as well as evaluate all relevant areas
- Work actively to achieve continuous quality improvements
- Maintain an open dialogue on quality issues with interested parties
- Observe, as a minimum, authorities’ requirements and regulations
Assess all essential suppliers - Ensure, by means of KPI, that internal quality objectives are achieved
- Monitor particular, customer-related quality objectives by means of KPI
SKANOL wants to:
- Protect the environment from harmful impact from our activities
- Commit ourselves to continuous environmental improvements
- Focus on the consumption of raw materials (diesel, power, water, heat, etc.) and the amount of waste in order to keep minimizing these elements
- Continuously monitor the consumption of energy and implement relevant improvements
- Display a will to be informative, open and cooperative with respect to all enquiries about the environmental conditions related to our activities
- Make an environmental assessment, whenever possible and relevant, in line with other considerations that form the basis of all our decisions at all levels
- Involve all employees in our environmental efforts, whenever relevant
- Observe environmental legislation and applicable authority requirements at any time – in particular in connection with the transport of hazardous goods covered by the ADR convention
SKANOL wants to:
- Continuously improve occupational safety, take precautionary measures against personal injury, and protect our employees’ health during their work
- Consider a good occupational environment as an important prerequisite for creating good results for our company and our employees
- Therefore, the occupational environment of SKANOL A/S has been certified. We wish to preserve a safe and healthy occupational environment for all employees, thereby ensuring that we are an attractive and safe workplace where the employees thrive and develop
- Carry out an environmental assessment, whenever possible and relevant, in line with other considerations that form the basis of all our decisions at all levels
- Observe, as a minimum, the legislation governing occupational environment and applicable authority requirements at any time – in particular in connection with the transport of hazardous goods covered by the ADR convention
- Involve all employees in the safety and health efforts, whenever relevant
- Preserve the appreciation of the meaning of HSSE activities
- Involve aspects of the occupational environment when making decisions regarding major investments and expansions
SKANOL wants to:
- Unconditionally observe the Road Traffic Act and specific regulations on, for instance, driving times and rest periods
- Handle unforeseen situations in a way that ensures that they will never have any negative impact on safety
- Do our work in a way that ensures that the violation of laws and regulations due to human errors or material defects is eliminated whenever possible, being well aware that faults may occur
- Ensure that our employees will always have the education and know-how that is required to do their work safely and in keeping with applicable laws and regulations
- Ensure, through education, training, and information, that our employees behave considerately in traffic
- Ensure that machinery and equipment comply, as a minimum and at any time, with applicable laws and regulations and are of high quality
- Realise that when being professional road users and transporters of hazardous goods, we have a particular responsibility in traffic
SKANOL wants to:
- Ensure that the level of education supports mission, vision, values and other policies
- Ensure that all employees, as a minimum, meet or exceed regulatory requirements for education and training, including ADR and EU qualifications
- Ensure that drivers, at least every third year, will conduct a 3-days special training course, which among other things includes risk assessment (traffic light), energy-efficient driving techniques, defensive driving techniques, ergonomics, fire, rescue, etc.
- Ensure that all drivers can apply for relevant courses within the limitations of the competence fund
- Ensure that all salaried employees receive continuous training and are updated through relevant ATL courses
- Encourage and support the self-elected in-service training of salaried workers
Skanol wants to:
- Ensure that the company’s focus on preventive safety is reflected in the daily management
- Ensure that deviations are recorded and assessed individually for the implementation of preventive and corrective actions
- Communicate knowledge regarding causes of injury as well as preventive and corrective actions to relevant employees through health and safety committees, posters, newsletters, security news and staff magazine
Skanol wants to:
- Minimize the risk of equipment, cargo and knowledge being consciously used to harm people, environment or property
- Maintain and apply a security plan that supports this